"Pious condolences will no longer sufficeā€¦"
"Quarter measures and half measures will no longer sufficeā€¦"
"The time has now come that we must enact stringent gun control legislationā€¦"
"ā€¦gun control legislation comparable to the legislation in force in virtually every civilized country in the world."

Senator Thomas Dodd, June 11, 1968

Aug 26, 2019

Americans Against Gun Violence Asks the Supreme Court to Reverse a Death Sentence that was Wrongly Decided


Sacramento California, August 26, 2019:Ā Americans Against Gun ViolenceĀ has filed anĀ amicusĀ curiaeĀ (friend of the court) brief in support of New York City in the Supreme Court case of theĀ New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYRPA) v. New York City.Ā In this case, the NYRPA is claiming that New York City's ban on carrying handguns anywhere other thanĀ to or from city-approved firing ranges violates the Second Amendment, as the Supreme Court interpreted the Amendment in the 2008Ā HellerĀ decision. Although [...]

Americans Against Gun Violence Asks the Supreme Court to Reverse a Death Sentence that was Wrongly Decided2022-10-09T13:43:48-07:00
Aug 25, 2019

We’re Asking the Supreme Court to Reverse a Death Sentence that was Wrongly Decided


We're Asking the Supreme Court to Reverse a Death Sentence that was Wrongly Decided A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence Ā  In a study published in 2014 in theĀ Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, researchers from Stanford University estimated that at least 4% of prison inmates convicted of capital offenses were wrongly convicted.[1]Ā In a number of cases, prosecutors knowingly withheld information that that would have proved that an inmate on [...]

We’re Asking the Supreme Court to Reverse a Death Sentence that was Wrongly Decided2022-10-09T13:43:48-07:00
Aug 04, 2019

Americans Against Gun Violence Responds to Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio Mass Shootings


Sacramento California, August 4, 2019: Americans Against Gun Violence extends heartfelt sympathy to the friends, family, and community members of the more than 30 people who were killed in three separate mass shootings within the past week, including the shootings in El Paso and Dayton that occurred within the past 24 hours. We also extend sincere wishes for a prompt and complete recovery to the scores of other victims who suffered non-fatal injuries in these [...]

Americans Against Gun Violence Responds to Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio Mass Shootings2022-10-09T13:43:48-07:00
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