"Pious condolences will no longer suffice…"
"Quarter measures and half measures will no longer suffice…"
"The time has now come that we must enact stringent gun control legislation…"
"…gun control legislation comparable to the legislation in force in virtually every civilized country in the world."

Senator Thomas Dodd, June 11, 1968

Nov 14, 2023

Interview with Dr. Michael North on Capital Public Radio “Insight” Program After the Lewiston Mass Shooting is Available for Online Listening


Americans Against Gun Violence brought Dr. Michael North of Scotland to be our keynote speaker at our annual dinner in Sacramento, California on Saturday, October 21. Dr. North lost his five year-old daughter, Sophie, in the 1996 mass shooting at the elementary school in Dunblane, Scotland, in which Sophie's teacher and 15 other children were killed and ten other students and three other children were wounded. Great Britain already had a ban on automatic and [...]

Interview with Dr. Michael North on Capital Public Radio “Insight” Program After the Lewiston Mass Shooting is Available for Online Listening2023-11-14T08:30:01-08:00
Nov 13, 2023

“Gun Control in Great Britain After the 1996 Dunblane Primary School Mass Shooting: A Model for the United States”


“Gun Control in Great Britain After the 1996 Dunblane Primary School Mass Shooting: A Model for the United States” Full Text of the Keynote Address by Michael North, Ph.D. Presented at the Americans Against Gun Violence Annual Dinner In Sacramento, California, October 21, 2023 With an introduction by Americans Against Gun Violence President Dr. Bill Durston   Dr. Durston: During the many years that I’ve been working in the field of gun violence prevention, I’ve [...]

“Gun Control in Great Britain After the 1996 Dunblane Primary School Mass Shooting: A Model for the United States”2024-01-15T09:22:23-08:00
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