"Pious condolences will no longer suffice
"Quarter measures and half measures will no longer suffice
"The time has now come that we must enact stringent gun control legislation
gun control legislation comparable to the legislation in force in virtually every civilized country in the world."

Senator Thomas Dodd, June 11, 1968

About Bill Durston

Bill Durston, M.D., is a board certified emergency physician who has treated innumerable civilian gunshot victims during a medical career spanning more than 40 years. Before becoming a physician, Durston served in combat with the U.S. Marine Corps during the height of the Vietnam War. He qualified as an expert marksman in the Marines and was decorated for "courage under fire" as a patrol leader with the Marines' prestigious Third Force Reconnaissance Company. Dr. Durston has worked in the area of gun violence prevention with numerous organizations, both medical and non-medical, throughout his career. In 2016, he co-founded Americans Against Gun Violence to fill the need for a national organization that would openly advocate adopting stringent gun control laws in the United States comparable to the laws that have long been in effect in all the other high income democratic countries of the world. Dr. Durston continues to serve as the founding president of Americans Against Gun Violence.
Oct 29, 2020

Troubling Trends: Observations made while preparing a presentation for the American Public Health Association annual conference


Troubling Trends: Observations Made While Preparing A Presentation for the American Public Health Association Annual Conference A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence October 29, 2020   I had the honor and privilege of being invited to speak on the topic of preventing gun violence at the annual conference of American Public Health Association (APHA) on Monday, October 26, 2020. The APHA, founded in 1872, is the country’s oldest, largest, and most [...]

Troubling Trends: Observations made while preparing a presentation for the American Public Health Association annual conference2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Oct 27, 2020

Americans Against Gun Violence president Dr. Bill Durston speaks at the American Public Health Association annual conference


Americans Against Gun Violence president, Dr. Bill Durston, spoke on the topic of preventing gun violence at the annual conference of American Public Health Association (APHA) on Monday, October 26. The APHA, founded in 1872, is the country’s oldest, largest, and most diverse organization of public health professionals. The 2020 annual conference was initially scheduled to be held in San Francisco but was moved to a virtual format because of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Click [...]

Americans Against Gun Violence president Dr. Bill Durston speaks at the American Public Health Association annual conference2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Sep 19, 2020

Two 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges’ Rx for Troubled Times: AR-15’s, Glocks, & Large Capacity Magazines


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence September 19, 2020   On August 14, 2020, in a 2-1 decision, a three judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that California’s ban on civilian ownership of large capacity magazines (defined as magazines that hold more than 10 rounds and abbreviated as “LCM’s”) violates the Second Amendment. The ban had been approved by almost a two to one margin by California [...]

Two 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges’ Rx for Troubled Times: AR-15’s, Glocks, & Large Capacity Magazines2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Jun 07, 2020

Important Messages in Troubled Times from Our 2020 High School Essay Contest Winners


Important Messages in Troubled Times from Our 2020 High School Essay Contest Winners A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence June 7, 2020   Last December, when we announced the opening of our 2020 Americans Against Gun Violence National High School Essay Contest, we couldn’t have imagined that by the deadline for students to enter the contest in mid-April, high school campuses across our country would be closed and much of the [...]

Important Messages in Troubled Times from Our 2020 High School Essay Contest Winners2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Jun 02, 2020

Announcing the Winners of our 2020 National High School Essay Contest


Congratulations to the winners in this year’s Americans Against Gun Violence National High School Essay Contest! Their outstanding essays are posted below. The prompt for the 2020 contest was the following position statement published by the American Academy of Pediatrics in April of 2000: Firearm regulations, to include bans of handguns and assault weapons, are the most effective way to reduce firearm-related injuries. The contest was open to all high school students in the United States [...]

Announcing the Winners of our 2020 National High School Essay Contest2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Feb 28, 2020

What Would We Do if Coronavirus Killed 40,000 Americans Every Year?


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence February 28, 2020 What would we do as a country if the coronavirus killed almost 40,000 Americans every year? If there were regular deadly outbreaks of coronavirus in schools, at workplaces, at places of worship, at nightclubs, at outdoor recreational events, at shopping malls, and at virtually every other kind of venue where people frequently congregate? If since 1968, more American civilians had died of [...]

What Would We Do if Coronavirus Killed 40,000 Americans Every Year?2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Dec 29, 2019

A Letter to Americans Against Gun Violence from a Dunblane, Scotland Parent


A Letter to Americans Against Gun Violence from a Dunblane, Scotland Parent With an introduction by the President of Americans Against Gun Violence As we reflect on 2019 and begin the New Year, Americans Against Gun Violence remains the only national gun violence prevention organization in the entire United States that openly advocates overturning the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Second Amendment in the rogue 2008 Heller decision and adopting stringent gun control laws in [...]

A Letter to Americans Against Gun Violence from a Dunblane, Scotland Parent2022-10-09T13:43:48-07:00
Dec 13, 2019

Announcing our 2020 National High School Essay Contest


Americans Against Gun Violence is please to announce that our 2020 National High School Essay Contest is now open to all U.S. High School Students. A total of $15,000 will be awarded to twelve winners. The deadline for students to enter is April 18, 2020. See below for full contest details and the link to the online entry form.   Essay Topic To enter the 2020 Americans Against Gun Violence National High School Essay Contest, [...]

Announcing our 2020 National High School Essay Contest2022-10-09T13:43:48-07:00
Dec 05, 2019

Americans Against Gun Violence President Delivers Keynote Addresses at Gun Violence Prevention Symposiums in Southwest Michigan


Dr. Durston delivers keynote address at SW Michigan gun violence symposium Americans Against Gun Violence President Dr. Bill Durston was honored to be asked deliver the keynote addresses at two gun violence prevention symposiums in southwest Michigan on October 14 and 15, 2019. Both of the symposiums were organized by the SW Michigan Interfaith Action Peace and Justice Collaborative, a coalition of over 30 faith-based organizations committed to reducing interpersonal violence. [1] The [...]

Americans Against Gun Violence President Delivers Keynote Addresses at Gun Violence Prevention Symposiums in Southwest Michigan2022-10-09T13:43:48-07:00
Dec 04, 2019

As the Supreme Court Ponders Oral Arguments in a Second Amendment Case, We Call for an End to the Fraud


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence   During an interview on the PBS News Hour in 1991, the late Supreme Court Chief Justice called the gun lobby’s claim that the Second Amendment was intended to confer an individual right to own guns “one of the greatest pieces of fraud – I repeat the word, ‘fraud’ – on the American people by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my [...]

As the Supreme Court Ponders Oral Arguments in a Second Amendment Case, We Call for an End to the Fraud2022-10-09T13:43:48-07:00
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