"Pious condolences will no longer sufficeā€¦"
"Quarter measures and half measures will no longer sufficeā€¦"
"The time has now come that we must enact stringent gun control legislationā€¦"
"ā€¦gun control legislation comparable to the legislation in force in virtually every civilized country in the world."

Senator Thomas Dodd, June 11, 1968

Nov 13, 2023

ā€œGun Control in Great Britain After the 1996 Dunblane Primary School Mass Shooting: A Model for the United Statesā€


ā€œGun Control in Great Britain After the 1996 Dunblane Primary School Mass Shooting: A Model for the United Statesā€ Full Text of the Keynote Address by Michael North, Ph.D. Presented at the Americans Against Gun Violence Annual Dinner In Sacramento, California, October 21, 2023 With an introduction by Americans Against Gun Violence President Dr. Bill Durston Ā  Dr. Durston: During the many years that Iā€™ve been working in the field of gun violence prevention, Iā€™ve [...]

ā€œGun Control in Great Britain After the 1996 Dunblane Primary School Mass Shooting: A Model for the United Statesā€2024-01-15T09:22:23-08:00
Sep 24, 2023

A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity to Meet a True Hero in the Field of Gun Violence Prevention


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence Iā€™ve been working in one way or another on the issue of gun violence prevention for much of my adult life ā€“ ever since 1969, that is, when I returned from serving in combat as a member of the U.S. Marines in the war in Vietnam. Having just left a war zone, I didn't want to permanently live in one. In all the years that [...]

A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity to Meet a True Hero in the Field of Gun Violence Prevention2023-09-29T10:09:08-07:00
Apr 03, 2023

What To Tell Our Children (Truthfully) About School Shootings


In the aftermath of the mass shooting in which three nine-year-old children and three staff members were killed by a former student at a church affiliated elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee, the PBS NewsHour conducted an interview with a child psychologist, Dr. Tori Cordiano, in which the interviewer, Amna Nawaz, asked Dr. Cordiano what parents and caregivers should tell their children about school shootings. Dr. Cordiano replied: You can start with, ā€œI want to tell [...]

What To Tell Our Children (Truthfully) About School Shootings2023-04-03T22:01:04-07:00
Nov 17, 2022

A Two-Word Summary of the Supreme Courtā€™s New One-Step Test for the Constitutionality of Gun Laws: “Blatant Hypocrisy”


A Two-Word Summary of the Supreme Courtā€™s New One-Step Test for the Constitutionality of Gun Laws: "Blatant Hypocrisy" A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence Ā  The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, in its entirety: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. For most of our nationā€™s history, courts used [...]

A Two-Word Summary of the Supreme Courtā€™s New One-Step Test for the Constitutionality of Gun Laws: “Blatant Hypocrisy”2022-11-17T20:52:39-08:00
May 27, 2022

“Seeking Refuge” – Another Horrific Mass Shooting…and Another Tragically Prescient Essay by a High School Student


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence Ā  It was just over a week ago - a few days after the horrificĀ mass shooting in which an 18 year oldĀ white supremacist targeted African Americans at aĀ supermarket in Buffalo, New York, killing 10 people and wounding three others - that I posted message concerning what had turned out to be a tragically prescient winning essay that a 9th grade high school student in Arizona [...]

“Seeking Refuge” – Another Horrific Mass Shooting…and Another Tragically Prescient Essay by a High School Student2022-10-09T13:43:45-07:00
May 18, 2022

A Tragically Prescient Essay by a Ninth Grade High School Student


A message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence May 18, 2022 Ā  Weā€™d scheduled a Zoom call weeks in advance for the evening of Sunday, May 15, to make the final decision concerning the winners in this yearā€™s Americans Against Gun Violence National High School Essay Contest. The prompt for the contest was the following statement made by the late Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger during an interview on the PBS NewsHour [...]

A Tragically Prescient Essay by a Ninth Grade High School Student2022-10-09T13:43:46-07:00
Mar 03, 2022

ā€œDisturbingā€ News About Children Being Killed in Ukraine ā€“ and in the USA


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence March 2, 2022 Ā  On the evening of February 28, my wife and I watched the segment of the PBS NewsHour concerning the military attack on Ukraine launched by Russian president Vladimir Putin.[i] The program host, Judy Woodruff, warned at the beginning of the segment, ā€œImages in this story may disturb some viewers.ā€ The television coverage included a segment showing a mother sobbing as her [...]

ā€œDisturbingā€ News About Children Being Killed in Ukraine ā€“ and in the USA2022-10-09T13:43:46-07:00
Jan 21, 2022

Announcing Our 2022 National High School Essay Contest


Ā  What do high school students think about ā€œone of the greatest pieces of fraudā€ that Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger ever saw in his lifetime? A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence Ā  Iā€™m posting this message to inform our supporters that our 2022 Americans Against Gun Violence National High School Essay Contest is now open and to ask for your assistance in bringing the contest to the attention of [...]

Announcing Our 2022 National High School Essay Contest2022-10-09T13:43:46-07:00
Dec 13, 2021

Which Do They Love More – Their Children or Their Guns?


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence Four days after the Oxford High School mass shooting, in which a 15 year old student killed four fellow students and wounded six other students and a teacher, Representative Thomas Massie of KentuckyĀ posted the photo below of himself and his family on Twitter. Ā  Apparently not wanting to be outdone, four days later, Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado posted the picture below of herself and [...]

Which Do They Love More – Their Children or Their Guns?2022-10-09T13:43:46-07:00
Dec 05, 2021

Are You Unknowingly Contributing to “The Other Big Lie?”


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence December 5, 2021 Ā  On the morning of Tuesday, November 30, a day that had been declared, ā€œGiving Tuesday,ā€ I sent out a message to our supporters in which I posed the question, ā€œAre you unknowingly contributing to ā€˜The Other Big Lie.ā€™ā€ The ā€œOther Big Lieā€ to which I was referring was the fraudulent claim that the Second Amendment was intended to confer an individual [...]

Are You Unknowingly Contributing to “The Other Big Lie?”2022-11-10T09:58:36-08:00
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