"Pious condolences will no longer suffice…"
"Quarter measures and half measures will no longer suffice…"
"The time has now come that we must enact stringent gun control legislation…"
"…gun control legislation comparable to the legislation in force in virtually every civilized country in the world."

Senator Thomas Dodd, June 11, 1968

Jan 17, 2019

A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence Concerning our 2019 High School Essay Contest


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence concerning our 2019 High School Essay Contest “The Second Amendment guarantees no right to keep and bear a firearm that does not have ‘some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia.”” I’m pleased to announce that the 2019 Americans Against Gun Violence High School Essay Contest is now open for submissions from high school students in the United States and [...]

A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence Concerning our 2019 High School Essay Contest2022-10-09T13:43:50-07:00
Jan 14, 2019

The Tragic, Preventable Death of Deputy Natalie Corona


Deputy Natalie Corona Americans Against Gun Violence extends heartfelt sympathy to the family, friends, and colleagues of Davis California Police Officer Natalie Corona who was shot and killed in the line of duty on January 10, 2019. Deputy Corona was investigating a traffic accident when a man on a bicycle approached her from behind and shot and killed her with a semi-automatic handgun. Deputy Corona was 22 years old at the time of [...]

The Tragic, Preventable Death of Deputy Natalie Corona2022-10-09T13:43:50-07:00
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