"Pious condolences will no longer suffice…"
"Quarter measures and half measures will no longer suffice…"
"The time has now come that we must enact stringent gun control legislation…"
"…gun control legislation comparable to the legislation in force in virtually every civilized country in the world."

Senator Thomas Dodd, June 11, 1968

About Bill Durston

Bill Durston, M.D., is a board certified emergency physician who has treated innumerable civilian gunshot victims during a medical career spanning more than 40 years. Before becoming a physician, Durston served in combat with the U.S. Marine Corps during the height of the Vietnam War. He qualified as an expert marksman in the Marines and was decorated for "courage under fire" as a patrol leader with the Marines' prestigious Third Force Reconnaissance Company. Dr. Durston has worked in the area of gun violence prevention with numerous organizations, both medical and non-medical, throughout his career. In 2016, he co-founded Americans Against Gun Violence to fill the need for a national organization that would openly advocate adopting stringent gun control laws in the United States comparable to the laws that have long been in effect in all the other high income democratic countries of the world. Dr. Durston continues to serve as the founding president of Americans Against Gun Violence.
May 27, 2021

Americans Against Gun Violence Responds to Mass Shooting at San Jose Valley Transit Authority


Sacramento California, May 27, 2021: Americans Against Gun Violence extends heartfelt sympathy to the families, friends, and coworkers of the of the nine people who were killed in the mass shooting at the San Jose Valley Transit Authority (VTA) maintenance facility on Wednesday, May 26. We also extend our sympathy to the members of the VTA staff who were not physically injured but who suffered severe psychological trauma as a result of being present during the [...]

Americans Against Gun Violence Responds to Mass Shooting at San Jose Valley Transit Authority2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
May 25, 2021

Announcing the Winners of our 2021 National High School Essay Contest


Americans Against Gun Violence is pleased to announce the winners of our 2021 National High School Essay Contest. To enter the contest, which was open to all high school students in the United States and its territories, students were required to submit an essay of 500 words or fewer in response to the following prompt: “Describe the effect on American youth of the confluence of our country’s longstanding gun violence epidemic with the current Covid-19 [...]

Announcing the Winners of our 2021 National High School Essay Contest2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Apr 19, 2021

The U.S. Gun Violence Epidemic Is Far Worse Than An “Embarrassment” – And the President’s Proposals for Stopping It Are Woefully Inadequate


The U.S. Gun Violence Epidemic Is Far Worse Than An “Embarrassment” – And the President’s Proposals for Stopping It Are Woefully Inadequate A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence April 18, 2021   In a speech that he delivered in the White House Rose Garden on the morning of April 8, 2021, following four high profile mass shootings – in Atlanta, Georgia; Boulder, Colorado; Orange, California; and Rock Hill, South Carolina – [...]

The U.S. Gun Violence Epidemic Is Far Worse Than An “Embarrassment” – And the President’s Proposals for Stopping It Are Woefully Inadequate2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Mar 25, 2021

As Mass Shootings Make Headlines, We Call on Courts to End Second Amendment Fraud


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence March 25, 2021   Mass shootings are once again front page news. On March 16, a lone gunman, 21 year old Robert Aaron Long, shot and killed eight people, including six Asian American women, and wounded one other person at three different spas in the Atlanta, Georgia area. On March 22, another gunman (allegedly 21 year old Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa), shot and killed ten [...]

As Mass Shootings Make Headlines, We Call on Courts to End Second Amendment Fraud2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Jan 13, 2021

Announcing our 2021 National High School Essay Contest


Announcing the Opening of our 2021 National High School Essay Contest - with a mixture of some pleasure and great concern A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence   It's with a mixture of some pleasure and also great concern that I'm posting this message to announce that our 2021 Americans Against Gun Violence National High School Essay Contest is now open to all U.S. high school students. I'm pleased that this is the [...]

Announcing our 2021 National High School Essay Contest2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Jan 12, 2021

Our 2021 National High School Essay Contest is Now Closed for Submissions


The 2021 Americans Against Gun Violence National High School Essay Contest is now closed to new submissions, and the winners have been chosen. We're in the process of contacting the winners, and we'll be posting the winning essays in the near future. A total of $15,000 will be awarded to the 12 top winners, with $3,000 for first place, $2,5oo for second place, $2,000 for third place, $1,000 each for 4th through 10th place, and [...]

Our 2021 National High School Essay Contest is Now Closed for Submissions2021-05-25T15:38:05-07:00
Dec 01, 2020

The Holiday Season Has Started Off With A “Bang” – actually, with multiple bangs


The Holiday Season Has Started Off With A "Bang" - actually, with multiple bangs A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence December 1, 2020   During the four day period from the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 26, through Sunday, November 29, there were eight mass shootings in the United States,[1] beginning with a shooting in Henderson, Nevada, on Thanksgiving morning, committed by a couple who drove through the city shooting randomly [...]

The Holiday Season Has Started Off With A “Bang” – actually, with multiple bangs2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Nov 28, 2020

Our 2020 virtual National Gun Violence Prevention Conference is now available for online viewing


Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, in lieu of an in person annual fall dinner this year, we hosted our first annual “virtual” fall conference via Zoom on Sunday, November 15. Our keynote speaker was Dr. Michael North of Scotland. Dr. North lost his five year old daughter, Sophie, in the mass shooting at the Dunblane Primary School in Scotland in 1996. Great Britain already had a ban on automatic and semi-automatic long guns, but [...]

Our 2020 virtual National Gun Violence Prevention Conference is now available for online viewing2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Nov 09, 2020

A New President and Vice President-Elect Bring New Hopes, New Challenges


A Message from the President of Americans Against Gun Violence November 9, 2020 With the outcome of the 2020 presidential election now decided, the fact that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be the next President and Vice President, respectively, of the United States of America brings new hope that we can make progress toward ending our country’s epidemic of gun violence. It’s hard to imagine any president being worse on the gun violence issue [...]

A New President and Vice President-Elect Bring New Hopes, New Challenges2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
Nov 02, 2020

Register Now for our free National Gun Violence Prevention Conference on Sunday, November 15, 12 Noon-2 PM PST, Featuring a Keynote Address by Dr. Michael North of Scotland


Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, in lieu of an in person annual fall dinner this year, we’re going to be hosting our first annual “virtual” fall conference via Zoom on Sunday, November 15, from 12 noon-2 PM PST. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Michael North of Scotland. Dr. North lost his five year old daughter, Sophie, in the mass shooting committed with handguns at the Dunblane Primary School in Scotland in 1996. Dr. [...]

Register Now for our free National Gun Violence Prevention Conference on Sunday, November 15, 12 Noon-2 PM PST, Featuring a Keynote Address by Dr. Michael North of Scotland2022-10-09T13:43:47-07:00
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